MMORPG with ultimate graphics for Smartphones 「AVABEL ONLINE」


    (Added 8/9 15:30)8/7:版本更新情報/Update Information
    (Added 8/9 15:30)
    ・Compensation for ranking issues with "Labyrinth water consumption" and "Strategy book consumption" has been completed.

    (8/7 14:30)
    Regular maintenance ended on 8/7 14:30
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    We have updated to details below from maintenance on 8/7

    We will conduct Regular maintenance for the below dates.

    Correspondence Details
    Update Information Details
    “Main Tower Dungeon” difficulty adjustment ▼The difficulty level of “Main Tower Dungeon” will increase.
     ・You can enter the “Main Tower Dungeon” with a new difficulty level from the NPC at “Quest/Dungeon”.
      *“Main Tower Dungeon” of the existing difficulty level can be played until JST:8/12 4:00.
      *Rankings for “Number of Main Tower Dungeon Cleared Levels” and “Number of Main Tower Dungeon Cleared Times” are calculated separately for the existing difficulty level and the new difficulty level.
    Equipment Related ▼“Attack High Element” and “Defense High Element” ★61 to ★65 will be added for each attribute.

    ▼“High Crysta Ring” ★61 to ★65 will be added.

    ▼“High Resist Ring” ★61 to ★65 will be added.

    ▼“Pet” ★61 to ★65 will be added.

    ▼“Bowl” ★61 to ★65 of each attribute will be added.

    ▼Various “Class Material” ★65 will be added.

    ▼With the addition of ★61 or higher, the evolution of some items will be relaxed.

    ▼The level cap for “Refined” will be 130.

    ▼DEF/MDEF values ​​will increase except for some equipment.
     *Due to the above numerical changes, the display of some UI values ​​will also be changed.
    Item Related ▼The following “Evolution ore” will be added to the items that can be exchanged with “Evolution ore exchange ticket”.
     ・Element Arms Evolution Ore
     ・Crysta Evolution Ore
     ・Pet Evolution Ore
     ・Resist Evolution Ore
     ・Attribute Evolution Ore
     *“Evolution ore exchange ticket” can be obtained from “Achieve” in “Main Tower Dungeon”.
    Achieve Related ▼A new “Achieve” will be added.

    ▼“Beginner Mission” will be added
     *With the implementation of the beginner mission, the portal to “Facility Information” will be deleted.
    Quest Related “The Road to Transcendent Class 1-5” can now be cleared with the “For Paid Only Guide Book”.
    Ranking Related ▼The following rankings will be added to the “Weekly Ranking”.
     ・Element Arms Evolution Ore consumption
     ・Crysta Evolution Ore consumption
     ・Pet Evolution Ore consumption
     ・Resist Evolution Ore consumption
     ・Attribute Evolution Ore consumption

    ▼“Rank Rewards” will be added to each ranking in “Rank Ranking”.

    ▼Starting from the next ranking, the rewards for the following rankings will change.
     ・Daily Ranking
     ・“Weekly Ranking” “[Solo-only]ZENITH CLASH clear counts” and “Advanced Dungeon ★45 clear counts”
    Skill related ▼The following passive skills will be added to “Creation God Class”.
     ・Status Limit break
    UI Related ▼The following languages ​​will be added to the selectable languages.
     *The language of shop product names and descriptions will be displayed based on the device settings.
    Others “Refined Stone > Evolution Gangue” will be added to “Evolution Gangue Transformation” in “Item Materials Synthesis”.
      Opening Events

    Issues to be fixed Details
    Ranking bug fix ・Fixed a bug where “Labyrinth water consumption” and “Strategy book consumption” in “Item consumption ranking” were not being counted correctly.

    For the period below, compensation will be compensated according to the correct ranking of the tally results.
    *Compensation will be distributed as soon as it is ready after maintenance.

     ・JST:7/24 4:00~7/31 3:59
     ・JST:7/31 4:00~8/7 3:59

    Regarding the tallies from JST:8/7 4:00 to before the 8/7 maintenance, the rankings will be corrected with the correct tally results during the 8/7 maintenance.
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    (8/9 15:30 添加)

    (8/7 14:30追记)
    定期维护已于8/7 14:30结束

    版本更新信息 详情
    “主塔地牢”难度调整 ▼“主塔地牢”的难度将会增加。
      *现有难度的“主塔地牢”可以玩到JST:8/12 4:00。
    装备相关 ▼各属性追加“攻击高等元素”和“抗高等元素”★61~★65。








    道具相关 ▼可以用“进化矿石兑换券”兑换的物品中将追加以下“进化矿石”。
    成就相关 ▼将添加新的“成就”。

    任务相关 “超越职业之路1-5之路”现在可以通过“付费专享 攻略书”来完成。
    排名相关 ▼以下排名将被添加到“每周排名”中。


     ・“每周排名”“【单人专用】苍穹争霸 通关次数”和“高级 迷宫★45通关次数”
    技能相关 ▼“创世神职业”将新增以下被动技能。
    UI相关 ▼以下语言将被添加到可选语言中。
    其他的 “素材 合成”的“进化的脉石转换”中将增加“精炼石 > 进化的脉石”。

    异常现象修正 详情
    排名错误修复 ・修复了“物品消费排名”中的“迷宫用水量”和“策略书消费”统计不正确的问题。

    * 关于奖励分配,保养后一旦准备好,我们将立即分发。

     ・JST:7/24 4:00~7/31 3:59
     ・JST:7/31 4:00~8/7 3:59

    关于JST:8/7 4:00至8/7维护前的积分,排名将根据8/7维护期间正确的积分结果进行修正。

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